Report a repair
We are now able to resume bookings for new routine repairs through our online form. If you have an emergency repair or are unable to complete the form for any reason, you can call
We are still working through the backlog of repairs and we understand how frustrating it can be to wait for a repair to be completed. If you have received an appointment we will do our best to attend on this date. If you haven’t received an appointment you will be contacted with one as soon as possible. Thank you to all our residents for your ongoing patience.
We are continuing to regularly review our approach to repairs in line with the latest government guidelines, including around local lockdowns, and we will highlight any specific service changes for each area should they arise.
For more information about the repairs service please see our latest Service Updates and Advice on COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Access to your property
For us to carry out repairs and safety checks in your home, we will require access to your property. Please ensure we can gain access to your property to complete these tasks. For more information regarding your safety and staff access, please read our security advice.

Emergency repairs
If you have an emergency repair, please call us on 020 8801 1117 or click here
What is considered to be an emergency repair?
An emergency repair is something that needs to be fixed straight away, this could be:
- A gas leak or dangerous electrical fault
- Major damage to the structure of your home
- A serious security problem, such as a front door that cannot be locked
- The loss of essential services, such as water or electricity.
What the next steps will be:
- You will be notified of the target date the repair will be completed, and whether a contractor or inspection is needed.
- We will help you through an emergency by ensuring your home is safe as quickly as possible. We will also arrange for any follow-up work required.

Repair self-help guides
Before contacting the Customer Service Centre with a repair request, you may find it helpful to read one of the repairs self-help guides below.
The guides provide general advice and information about some of the most common things you may have problems or concerns within your home.
The guides also provide simple checks you can carry out yourself, which may solve the problem you have and prevent the need for someone to come to your home.
Key checks to stay warm during winter
Safety alert – hot water cylinders
Information and advice on faults with locks
Economy 7 heating and hot water information and advice
How to get the most of your electric heating and electric water heating