Housing Application Form Confidential: This form must be completed in full by all candidates. Personal information Surname First Name Permanent Address Postcode Contact details Home Work Mobile Email address Reference : Two referees are required. One of these should be your present or most recent employer. These will not be contacted until after the interview. Present/most recent employer Name Address Email address Mobile Capacity in which known to you Second referee Name Address Email address Mobile Capacity in which known to you Education Please give here relevant details of education and qualifications including current/proposed courses. School/University Date Qualification Dates Employment Present or most recent post (paid or unpaid. Job Title Salary Name and address of present or most recent employer: Reporting to Date started Date of leaving (if applicable) Reason for leaving: Please give a brief description of duties and responsibilities: Additional information Are there any dates when you would be unavailable for an interview? Do you need a work permit to work in the UK? If yes please specify: Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form (Confidential) In order to ensure that Bahay Kubo HA Ltd. continues to develop its commitment to equal opportunities, all applicants are asked to answer the questions below. This information will be treated as confidential and used solely for monitoring purposes. The form will be separated from the application form on receipt before short-listing of candidates takes place. Type of Application How did you find out about this vacancy? (please tick one box only) National PressLocal PressLeaflet / Flyer / Email shotFriends in the communityOther (please describe) I would describe my ethnic origin as White BritishIrishAny other white background Asian or Asian British IndianPakistaniBangladeshiAny other Asian background Mixed White & Black CaribbeanWhite & Black AfricanWhite & AsianAny other mixed background Black or Black British CaribbeanAfricanAny other Black background Filipino or other ethnic group FilipinoAny other background Please describe your religious group How would you describe your sexual orientation? HeterosexualGayLesbianBisexualNon BinaryOther (please describe) Please indicate your age and gender MaleFemalePrefer not say Date of Birth Age Please indicate the number of days taken as sick leave from work in the last two years: Please give reasons for such absences: Have you had any hospital treatment in the last five years? YesNo If YES please give details: Do you consider yourself to have a disability? YesNo If YES please give details: Do you have any other health problem, which limits your daily activities or the work you can do? YesNo If YES please give details: May we ask your GP for a medical reference before offering employment? YesNo Would you be willing to be medically examined at Bahay Kubo’s expense? YesNo Declaration I declare that the information provided on this form, and on any accompanying documents, is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree that the content of this form and of any accompanying documents may be treated as part of any contract agreed between myself and Bahay Kubo HA Ltd.